Daily DDA Responses Tweeted by @KMarzinsky
42 total responses found since January 26, 2017
@netnarr #dda146 #netnarr It looks like Amazon might be trying to sneak spying devices into my wunderkammer. pic.twitter.com/GC8PXt2psL
— Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky) February 5, 2018
@netnarr #dda136 #netnarr My lunch was more of a snack... But it was delicious and filling! #totallynotproductplacement pic.twitter.com/a9AFFMinDx
— Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky) January 30, 2018
@netnarr #dda138 #netnarr When I am 138, I look forward to not giving any f*cks about anything. pic.twitter.com/9yIgxpOBQI
— Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky) January 30, 2018
@netnarr #dda139 #netnarr I would have celebrated National Cheese Lovers Day like this. It's nacho place to judge. pic.twitter.com/IATHFVCM0e
— Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky) January 30, 2018
@netnarr #dda140 #netnarr OHH! The calories! pic.twitter.com/e1gULRL7X1
— Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky) January 30, 2018
@netnarr #dda130 #netnarr The office supplies in the shadow world bear an uncanny resemblance to the snouts of draconic beasts. pic.twitter.com/5nSw1aR82q
— Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky) January 22, 2018
@netnarr #dda132 #netnarr I took the text from the box in which my printer came, "The world's smallest all-in-one printer," translated it to Dutch, then Spanish, then Arabic, and the back to English. The result? "The smallest medical macro in the world alone."
— Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky) January 22, 2018
@netnarr #dda133 #netnarr As a child, I always dreamed of having a pet iguana. I wanted a giant lizard to chill on the couch with me. Now, instead, I have a poodle. Close enough! pic.twitter.com/L9vr9RFtsQ
— Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky) January 22, 2018
@netnarr #dda129 #netnarr A map of my personal Internet solar system: pic.twitter.com/6ckT8UjX3W
— Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky) January 16, 2018
@netnarr #dda125 How I feel beginning a new #netnarr course. https://t.co/1jiglr5uuv #excited #adorable #AGT via @gifkeyboard
— Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky) January 16, 2018
@netnarr #dda94 #netnarr My dog Beau is my perennial sidekick. pic.twitter.com/F4d8RV4aRh
— Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky) April 11, 2017